About Barbara Woerner

Someone once asked a janitor at NASA what his job was. His response? “I’m helping to put a man on the moon.” This is Emerge Today's belief that helping individuals understand and fulfill their potential ultimately impacts the overall success of a business.

Barbara Woerner

Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

Accredited with ICF (International Coaching Federation)

Certified Practitioner for MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)

MBTI certified logo for the emerge today website

Working closely with you, I will either create an actionable plan or lead you to develop one that suits your mission to clearly define how your company and your employees will work TOGETHER and INDIVIDUALLY to achieve the shared vision.

Vision + Plan = Success

I founded Emerge Today based on a fundamental belief that strong coaching can create strong companies. I believe this because I experienced it first hand.

The Coaching Journey

My journey to coaching began in 2002, when, as Chief Operations Officer of a marketing consultancy firm, I brought in a coaching expert to provide leadership coaching to our senior management team. We had experienced sudden rapid growth and in a quest to “get the work done,” we had lost sight of what we were doing and why. As a management team, we needed to agree on the future of the company and how we would get there.

Creating A Coaching Culture

As a result of this initiative, we developed a shared vision for the company, a higher degree of trust and a collective goal powered by individual contribution. We had such success within management that we implemented individual and team coaching through out the organization.

Measurable Results – Contributing to the ROI

I found this experience extremely rewarding based on its far reaching impact; it increased productivity, renewed creativity across the board and instilled an authentic, positive culture. This, in turn, contributed to increased revenue, improved quality of end product, improved client satisfaction and retention. This solidified my belief that helping individuals understand and fulfill their potential ultimately impacts the overall success of a business.

Contact Emerge Today

Change is not only constant, but necessary for both professional and personal growth. Working together, we will guide you through that change, creating a space for you to verbally meander, re-evaluate, reposition and navigate through the complex challenges of today’s working world.


Discover which solutions are possible for you … EMERGE TODAY !